I have a dream .
. . A dream to see hunger turned into happiness,
families growing up together and communities building together and the value of
human life becoming worth more than a pound or a dollar!
Our first world communities have given their life control
away, given up on themselves and many third world countries have given themselves
over to greed and corruption and suffering.
I have a dream .
. . A dream to hear children and parents crying
become laughter, families pulling together all over the world and communities reaching
out further than their own boundaries to help love and encourage the adventure and
gift that life is.
Our families have been separated and dispersed all over the
world, isolated ourselves and convinced ourselves that it is good to take care
of our family by ourselves.
We have taken the value in education and wealth and we
have used it as a crutch to uphold a new belief that my neighbour is my
competition and my knowledge is my asset.
We have allowed the comfort that it offers to isolate and separate.

I have a dream .
. . A dream to see you find a
dream! To hear you are acting on your
dream and to touch and feel the very real difference you are making!
Fight for your dream, fight to bring our families together
and fight to build our community and enable us to work together.
It’s by working together that big dreams can be accomplished
and people’s lives can be changed! The financial freedom mastermind is committed
to initially helping one hundred people achieve financial freedom by 2020. Join
us in making a difference for your life to be able and capable of making a big
difference for others.
Taking Action, Making Financial Freedom Happen with The Financial Freedom Mastermind
Join our Financial Freedom community here
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