Attend a group meeting at least once a month which is focused on moving you to your next step on your journey. This group should have a “Burning Desire” and should have “Absolute Faith” that they will become wealthy and this will allow and enable you to do the same.
Find someone experienced in becoming wealthy (who is wealthy) to help you to allocate a small sum of money to a second account to help implement your Money Machine to create an extra income within weeks (sometimes days) of starting, to start feeding your financial freedom cycle. The rule with this first account is that you will only have access to spend this money on your Money Machine when you have completed your business revenue model and Money Machine plan.
This same person also needs to help you put a money management plan in place that enables your “Money Machine or ATM” to overtake any existing debts and replace your day job and subsidise your Financial Freedom Account to catapult the acquisition of assets forward by shortening the time between the purchasing of assets to generate the best kind of income, passive income.

Taking Action, Making it Happen with The Financial Freedom Mastermind
Join our Financial Freedom community here
Hi Jonathan, you suggested that those that want financial freedom should find someone to help them become financially free, what do you
Hi Debra, there are a number of people who help you along your journey to become financially free, to name a few, there are other people with your same desire who will motivate and help you keep on track, there are people who are ahead of you who can help point to the correct things to do, then there are people who specialise in an area who can teach you something essential to your next steps and then there are people who have been through it themselves and have already achieved financial freedom who are a wealth of help and knowledge.
What’s important is to not “prove” that you can do things for yourself but to humble your pride and leverage (with intelligence and self-management or self-controlling, never give this away) these people to help you achieve your independence as quick as possible.
Once you are financially independent you can make your mark on the world as your ability and power to accomplish things will be far more effective.
Hi Jonathan,
Thank you for your comments which are duly noted!! I presume this is the focus of your group?? The next question is, r these people in your group?? If I come along, will I find someone that will be able to mentor me, (if that's the right word, but u know what I mean!)
Our goal is to be directly involved in seeing 100 people become financially independent by 2020 which means we have to be with you along your whole journey.
To achieve being with each of our Mentees, the structure we have implemented at its core is the concept of the small Mastermind group creating an amazing power dynamic, accountability, motivation and an energy that out strips and out lasts anything I have seen before including the amazing energy that is created at a large MLM get together or event.
I have also not found anywhere else a teaching which lays out the financial freedom journey options available (I’m not talking about Strategies, the actual type of resource needed and income received from that resource to understand of the road ahead) and who help the individual to decide what would be their fastest journey to Freedom, taking into account their reality and financial position and their skill set! Each person is different and is in a different place in their lives and this needs to be taken into account to plan the remainder of their journey.
Each group is mentored by someone who has already achieved Financial Freedom and we will also be introducing floating coaches and mentors. There is a real reason for this, which is both you and a mentor only know what you know and you both don’t know what you don’t know. This way you are exposed to multiple people’s ideas over a period of time. This is the reason I suggest having multiple coaches and Mentors.
If I found a community who had a burning desire to achieve financial independence I would be intrigued to become involved! I am yet to find a group outside of ourselves who create this kind of power, and have this level of desire to achieve Financial Freedom!
Hi JG!
Thanks for your response... Here's another question for you...
How do you determine who should be part of your 100 people to reach this goal??
What assessment do you do, if any??? For example I know many if not hundreds of people that say they want financial freedom, but when I challenge them on what it means for them, then they're stuck on an answer!!
Another question: what is the cost to achieve this?? Using myself as an example, in life, to achieve a specified goal, there's always a cost! Sometimes this cost is not even monetary, it's time & a real sacrifice...
As you mention in your question there is a cost, and I have found that when someone understands what the cost is they themselves decide if achieving financial independence is a priority for themselves. In addition to this each Mentee also has to bring harmony and be willing to taking massive action to move themselves forward.
No formal Assessment is made, I decide on whether the effort invested in an individual is worth it and I also decide if the person is worthy of receiving this very precious gift.
Very true the cost of achieving Financial Freedom is allot of effort, energy and time and yes there is a cost to being mentored or you could be a member in our London community. I think there is an article that needs to be written to describe the real cost in effort, energy and time that is needed to archive Financial Freedom and I don’t feel that I could do it justice in a quick QandA here. On the money side, if you join for two years on or “London Mentorship Program” it costs only £66 per month but the full amount needs to be paid up front. If you join our “London Membership” community for two years and also get free access to network and play the education games at our partner groups and www.MillionaireMaker.London it costs only £8 per month (Half the price of a movie and popcorn) but the whole amount needs to be paid up front because we are looking for members to commit at least a year of their time at a minimum. More details can be found here:
I believe that we are charging far too little for the gift of being helped to achieve Financial Freedom forever! But then we also have the challenge of helping 100 people archive this in only five years so it needs to be affordable so that we can find those who are willing to put the massive action in to archive it. The challenge is on!
Are you willing (or do you know someone you can invite?) to put in what it takes to archive Financial Freedom? Join our community at:
Hi JG!
Again, thanks for your response!!
Whilst your opportunity does sound very interesting, it would be good to speak to any of your fellow mentees to find out how they are finding the journey so far...
How many people do you have so far??
You are welcome to, come along and meet them, Here is our next Taking Action Therapy meeting:
Details of the meeting are in the link.
It will be good to meet you.
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