For any one
of us to succeed we must have a burning desire to achieve a goal, then absolute
faith in ourselves and our ability to make it happen.
It’s through
creating an action plan then taking massive action and persistence and
persistence and persistence with supporting factors like a mastermind, a team,
tax planning to maximise income, ... and a good few more things that success
happens. We teach this in our “Making it
Happen Alliances”.
Join us at our Taking Action, Making It Happen meetings where you find encouragement to become financially free.
Our burning
desire and absolute faith and all these things are the foundations for the
business and each of us are coming from a different place so the sequence of
events is important to be effective for that person.

The learning
to create income through a business is a massive task and if you are going to
add extra effort in needing to also learn and develop a passion or dream or
love you are literally halving the chance of success because you are doubling
the effort to get up and running.
I teach that
for your first business don’t focus on your love or passion or dream in life, focus
on what you have the most skill in and create a business around that
first. The success of your first
business will give you valuable knowledge on how to make money from something
(you would have experience in learning to earn) and can be transferred into the
second or third business which might be your love or passion or dream in life
and you would be so much more successful in it also!
Take action, take control and measure your success!
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